Defensive Stances (Nilay Kattu)

Defensive Stances (Nilay Kattu)

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Nilay kattu is a pattern of defensive stances. Every positions / movements in this pattern are guarded well to prevent from opponents attacks. Usually, instructors will test each students in every single positions / movements by making some sorts of full-contact attack sequences to see defensive positions well-guarded by student. This routine is sometimes painful / hard for beginners in silambam.

For kids as kuttu varisai beginners, simple stances (Nilay Kattu) which emphasize in exercise / warming-up approach is used to focus in strengthen their stances, correcting their postures, body balance, body flexibility, adjust metabolism level and also to increase memory ( example: image below is Nilay No.9 is Asana posture of "Ardha Virabhadrasana" - Low Warrior ).

Kuttu Varisai Nilay Kattu Banner 01




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