Arms (Kai)



Varmam Point

Varma Points ( Back of Hand - Posterior )

Vital Points
Part of Human body / Medical Terms
Kawli Kaalam Cephalic vein between bone joint of thumb and index finger -back of palm / hand
Vedi Pirlgai Varmam Dorsal venous network / Dorsal Metacarpal Vein inbetween knucle bone of
middle finger ( akash ) and ring finger ( Prithvi or Pṛthivī )

Palm / Arm

Varmam Point

Varma Points at Palm & Arm ( Frontal Body - Anterior )

Vital Points
Part of Human body / Medical Terms
Tarchanai Kaalam Joint of middle finger's digital vein and superficial palmar venous arch
Ullenggai Vellai Varmam Deep palmar venous arch at center of palm inline with thumb
Mani Bantha Varmam Median vein of forearm at center of wrist joint
Sudothri Varmam Radial vein
Teetha Varmam Cephalic vein
Mootu Varmam Median cubital vein at joint of inner elbow
Savvu Varmam between brachial vein and basilic vein ( splits ) of Axillary vein at front of shoulder / arm joints socket